Rabu, 30 September 2009

hasil penelitian kemampuan red yeast rice menurunkan kolesterol

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Red yeast rice demonstrates cholesterol-lowering potential

Published by nurhidayat at 11:02 am under angkak, khamir
By Shane Starling, 30-Jun-2009

Related topics: Formulation

American researchers have found red yeast rice to be effective in treating hyperlipidemia – the elevation of potentially damaging lipids in the blood – but who cannot tolerate statin treatment.

The herbal supplement was found to be effective in reducing the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level among 62 patients with hyperlipidemia and a history of discontinuation of statin therapy due to myalgias.

“Red yeast rice and therapeutic lifestyle change decrease LDL cholesterol level without increasing CPK or pain levels and may be a treatment option for dyslipidemic patients who cannot tolerate statin therapy,” the researchers concluded.

“Given our positive results, our approach may provide a therapeutic lipid-lowering option for the large cohort of patients with a history of SAM (statin-associated myalgias).”

In the randomized, controlled trial, patients were assigned either 1800 mg of red rice twice daily or placebo for 24 weeks. All patients were concomitantly enrolled in a 12-week therapeutic lifestyle change programme.

LDL cholesterol levels were measured at baseline, week 12, and week 24 and secondary outcomes included total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglyceride, liver enzyme, and creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) levels; weight; and Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) score.


For the 31 patients in the red yeast rice group, LDL cholesterol decreased by 1.11 mmol/L (43 mg/dL) from baseline at week 12 and by 0.90 mmol/L (35 mg/dL) at week 24.

In the placebo group, LDL cholesterol decreased by 0.28 mmol/L (11 mg/dL) at week 12 and by 0.39 mmol/L (15 mg/dL) at week 24.

While the researchers acknowledged that the study was small, single-site, short in duration and focused on laboratory measures, they stated the LDL level was significantly in the red rice group.

Levels of HDL cholesterol, triglyceride, liver enzyme, or CPK; weight loss; and BPI did not change significantly.

The researchers called for more study, especially those taking red rice supplements for more than six months, and said many questions remained unanswered.

* Does red yeast rice reduce the incidence of myalgias when directly compared with statin therapy?
* Is red yeast rice effective in patients with previous SAM who are not enrolled in a lifestyle change program?
* Did the therapeutic lifestyle change program alone play a positive role in decreasing the risk for recurrent myalgias in our cohort (for example, through improved mood or the role of exercise and weight loss)?

Source: Annals of Internal Medicine


‘Red Yeast Rice for Dyslipidemia in Statin-Intolerant Patients: A Randomized Trial’

Authors: David J. Becker, MD; Ram Y. Gordon, MD; Steven C. Halbert, MD; Benjamin French, PhD; Patti B. Morris, RD; and Daniel J. Rader, MD

ingin bukti red yeast bisa mengontrol kadar kolesterol anda dibandingkan dengan obat kimia (simvastatin)

call/sms 93610227/ 0816 16 55506

ada hasil study klinis shanghai second medical university: perbandingan minum red yeast rice dan simvastatin selama 4 minggu dan 8 minggu terjadi penurunan total kolesterol yang sama significannya, kalau diperlukan sms ajah nanti dikirimkan detail lengkap pdf klinical testnya.

informasi tentang kolesterol

kendalikan kadar kolesterol anda unutk mengurangi resiko serangan jantung!

dalam buku karangan Dr David Heber ahli nutrisi yang terkenaldari UCLA berjudul " "Natural Remedies for a Healthy Heart" menyebutkan bahwa " tidak semua orang bisa mencapai pengurangan tingkat kolesterol hanya dengan diet, diet dengan olah raga, dan pengurangan stress" pada kasus ini intervensi obat-obatan diperlukan, dengan meresepkan obat obatan penurun kolesterol berarti beresiko tinggi terhadap efek samping jangka panjang.

kabar gembira sekarang ada Red Yeast rice ( merek dagang Hypocol,xuezhikang dll ) yang secara alami mengatur tingkat kolesterol anda dengan efektif dan aman.

Kenapa memilih red yeast rice?

Red yeast rice merupakan bahan alami 100% yang merupakan ramuan tradisional china yang secara turun temurun, dan telah digunakan di china lebih dari 1000 tahun untuk kesehatan peredaran darah

Red Yeast rice yang dikenal dengan nama "hong qu" dalam bahasa china merupakan produk fermentasi beras merah yang termasik dalam species Monascus purpureus, kandungan alami ini telah diujikliniskan dan terbukti aman dan efektif yang melibatkan ribuan sukarelawan di USA dan China.

Red Yeast rice direkomendasi sebagai bagian dari program pengendalian kolesterol yang juga harus melibatkan diet yang sehat, olahraga yang teratur, dan pengurangan stress

Red yeast rice di rekomendasikan untuk dikonsumsi oleh orang dewasa, wanita setelah menopose yang berguna untuk menjaga kandungan kolesterol secara alami, dan sangaat cocok untuk individu yang mempunyai kandungan kolesterol tinggi/ melewati batas kolesterol total normal.