100% Whey Protein itu Biochem ™ Berisi 100% murni Ultra-Filtered/Micro-Filtered (UF / MF) Whey Protein Isolate, kualitas terbaik dan paling mudah berasimilasi whey protein mengisolasi di pasar. Metode Filtrasi Micro-isolat protein whey alam dalam bentuk yang sangat terkonsentrasi tanpa lemak. Proses ini meninggalkan 99% dari peptida tidak rusak dan tidak didenaturasi. Bebas hormon buatan termasuk rBST dan Protein Whey rBGH 100% ™ kaya akan glycomacropeptide fraksi sangat bioaktif dan beta-laktoglobulin, imunoglobulin, laktoferin dan glycopeptides, ditambah asam amino yang mendukung jaringan otot. Tersedia dalam Chocolate Fudge, Swirl Carmel, Alam, dan Rasa Vanilla. Tambahan Fakta dan bahan dapat sedikit berbeda karena perbedaan dalam rasa. Perhatikan label pada produk. Lainnya Bahan: Ultra-Filtered/Micro-Filtered (UF / MF) whey protein mengisolasi, fruktosa, rasa krim alami, rasa buah persik alam, rasa alami, xanthan gum. (Tidak ada ragi, gandum, gluten, pengawet, warna buatan, rasa buatan atau pemanis buatan.)Urungkan pengeditan
Biochem's 100% Whey Protein™ Contains 100% pure Ultra-Filtered/Micro-Filtered (UF/MF) Whey Protein Isolate, the finest quality and most easily assimilated whey protein isolate on the market. The Micro-Filtration method isolates the natural whey proteins in a highly concentrated form without fat. This process leaves 99% of the peptides undamaged and undenatured. Free of artificial hormones including rBST and rBGH 100% Whey Protein™ is rich in the highly bioactive fractions glycomacropeptide and beta-lactoglobulin, immunoglobulin, glycopeptides and lactoferrin, plus amino acids that support muscle tissue. Available in Chocolate Fudge, Caramel Swirl, Natural, and Vanilla Flavors. Supplement Facts and ingredients may vary slightly due to the difference in flavoring. Refer to product label.
Other Ingredients: Ultra-Filtered/Micro-Filtered (UF/MF) whey protein isolate, fructose, natural cream flavor, natural peach flavor, natural flavors, xanthan gum.
(No yeast, wheat, gluten, preservatives, artificial color, artificial flavor or artificial sweeteners.)