Rabu, 15 April 2009

Penelitian klinis tentang ragi beras merah

Penelitian klinis terbaru pada pasien yang sudah menderita serangan jantung sebelumnya menunjukkan ekstrak yang dimurnikan dari Beras ragi merah Cina, atau disebut Xuezhikang (XZK) dapat mengurangi resiko serangan jantung berulang sampai 45%. Penelitian dilakukan pada 5000 pasien berkisar 18-70 tahun selama 5 tahun di 60 rumah sakit Republik Rakyat Cina.

Sungguh menarik karena diet ini sangat natural dan memiliki sefek samping sangat sedikit, termasuk tidak nampaknya perubahan darah yang abnormal.Sebenarnya beras ragi merah ini merupakan makanan tradisional rakyat Cina selama ribuan tahun. Akan tetapi tidak pernah dilakukan studi klinis dengan menggunakan ekstraknya dan dengan ketelitian seperti ini yang dilakukan David M. Capuzzi, M.D., Ph.D, dan Zonliang Lu, M.D., Ph.D. dan diterbitkan Amerikan Journal of Cardiology.

Xuezhikang sendiri merupakan salah satu dari beberapa jenis beras merah yang dijual secara komersial, seperti Zhitai, Cholestin atau Hypocol. Xuezhikang diproduksi dengan mencampur beras dan ragi merah dengan alkohol dan diproses untuk membuang sebagian besar gluten dari beras. Produk ini memiliki kandungan yang mampu menurunkan kolesteral lebih baik.

Ragi beras merah turun kolesterol

Ragi Beras Merah Turunkan Kolesterol
Entin Supriati, Kontributor INILAH.COM
ragi beras merah(drydidaf.multiply.com)
INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir metode pengobatan modern untuk menurunkan kolesterol berpaling pada bahan tradisional, yakni ragi beras merah.
Bahan ini sebenarnya telah digunakan sebagai pengawet makanan, penyedap rasa dan bahan pewarna alami sejak beratus tahun lalu di Cina. Selain itu ragi beras merah dipakai sebagai obat pelancar peredaran darah dan saluran pencernaan.
Ragi beras merah menjadi efektif untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol karena mengandung sejenis statin. Sebuah penelitian pada 2008 menyatakan, ragi beras merah cukup manjur memotong setengah dari risiko serangan jantung.
Seperti dikutip dari harian The Los Angeles Times, seorang pasien mengatakan kadar kolesterolnya terus menanjak karena hobinya menyantap makanan sedap.
Dokter jantung menyarankan untuk mencoba ragi beras merah. Dalam waktu enam pekan saja, kadar LDL-nya turun dari 187 menjadi 123.
Meskipun demikian, pada sebagian orang konsumsi ragi beras merah mempunyai efek samping. Seperti nyeri otot, lemas dan berpotensi mengganggu liver. [L1]

tersedia ragi beras merah dalam kapsul

jual Red Yeast Rice ?

kami menjual red yeast rice

call 936 10227/ 08161655506 dengan victor

Apakah ada pantangan/larangan selama minum red yeast rice ?

Are there any precautions in consuming red yeast rice products?
Not all red yeast rice products contain the same concentrations of the cholesterol-lowering ingredients. Some red yeast rice products may have little or no cholesterol-lowering effects. Certain products also may contain unacceptably high levels of an undesirable and toxic substance called citrinic acid.

Seberapa aman red yeast rice itu?

How safe are red yeast rice products?
Animal studies have been conducted in China using high doses of red yeast rice products. No damage to the kidneys, liver, or other organs were demonstrated in these studies.
Human trials in China and in the United States reported only rare and minor side effects of heartburn or indigestion with the use red yeast rice products. No liver, kidney, or muscle toxicity has been reported.
However, human trials in the United States and China have generally lasted only a few weeks to a few months. Thus, conclusive proof of long term safety (over a period of many years) will have to await further data (such as from data received after the products have been marketed or long-term clinical trials).
Scientists conducting the studies generally believe that red yeast rice is safe in the long-term since it has been a food staple for thousands of years in Asian countries without reports of toxicity. They attribute the safety of red yeast rice products to the process of preparation that does not involve the isolation and concentration of a single ingredient. Although it is true that isolation and concentration enhance the potency of a single ingredient, these factors also increase the risk of side effects.

Seberapa efektif kah??

How effective are HypoCol™, Cholestin®, and Xuezhikang in lowering lipids?
Chinese scientists conducted most of the animal and human studies on this issue, using either Zhitai or Xuezhikang. The results of some 17 studies involving approximately 900 Chinese subjects with modestly elevated cholesterol levels have been published. In eight of these studies, there was a control group that received a placebo (a pill with no active ingredients) for comparison purposes. In nine of the studies, there was no placebo control group.
These studies consistently showed that Zhitai and Xuezhikang:
lower total cholesterol (by an average of 10% to 30%),
lower LDL cholesterol (by an average of 10% to 20%),
lower triglycerides (by an average of 15% to 25%), and
increase HDL (by an average of 7% to 15%).
Scientists at the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition studied Cholestin® in a 12-week, double blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 83 American adults with borderline-high to moderately elevated cholesterol. They found that Cholestin® (when red yeast rice was an ingredient in this product) reduced total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels but had no effect on HDL cholesterol. This study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1999; 69:231-7).
Lowering LDL and increasing HDL cholesterol prevents atherosclerosis (a build-up of plaque) of the heart's arteries. Since atherosclerosis causes heart attacks, lowering the LDL and increasing HDL cholesterol should lower the risk of heart attacks. In fact, several large, long-term, placebo-controlled clinical trials have shown clearly that lowering LDL cholesterol with diet and statin drugs [pravastatin (Pravachol) , lovastatin (Mevacor), and simvastatin (Zocor) reduces the risk of heart attacks. No large, long-term studies of red yeast rice products for the prevention of heart attacks have yet been conducted. However, animal studies are underway at UCLA comparing red yeast rice to a statin drug (such as Mevacor™) for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Apa Komposisi ?

What is the composition of HypoCol™ and Cholestin®?
At one time, Cholestin contained red yeast rice, and at that time scientists at Pharmanex and the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition analyzed the properties Cholestin®. The composition by weight is:
starch (73%),
protein (5.8%)
moisture (3%-6%),
unsaturated fatty acids (1.5%),
monacolins (0.4%),
ash (3%), and
trace amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, and copper.
There are no additives, preservatives, heavy metals, or toxic substances, such as citrinic acid.
In 1977, Professor Endo in Japan discovered a natural cholesterol-lowering substance that is produced by a strain of Monascus yeast. This substance inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme that is important for the production of cholesterol in the body. Professor Endo named this substance moncacolin K. Since then, scientists have discovered a total of eight monacolin-like substances that have cholesterol-lowering properties.
Monacolin K is lovastatin, the active ingredient in the popular statin drug, lovastatin (Mevacor™), which is used for lowering cholesterol. Lovastatin also is believed to be the main cholesterol-lowering ingredient in HypoCol™. The lovastatin in Mevacor™ is highly purified and concentrated, the lovastatin in HypoCol™ is not. Thus, they contain much lower concentrations of lovastatin than Mevacor™. For example, each 600-mg capsule of Cholestin® contains less than 2.4 mg of lovastatin (when this ingredient was contained in the product), whereas tablets of Mevacor™ contain 10 mg or more of this ingredient.
Because none of the components are purified and concentrated, HypoCol™ and Cholestin® (marketed outside of the US) contain a mixture of the eight yeast-produced monacolins, unsaturated fatty acids, and certain anti-oxidants. Some scientists believe that these other monacolins, unsaturated fatty acids, and anti-oxidants may work together favorably with lovastatin to enhance its cholesterol-lowering effects, as well as its ability in lowering triglycerides and increasing HDL cholesterol. (HDL is considered the "good" form of cholesterol since high levels of HDL cholesterol protect against heart attacks.) Further studies in animals and humans will be necessary to test these theories.

Berbagai jenis suplemen red yeast rice

What are the different preparations of red yeast rice?
There are three major preparations of red yeast rice:
1. Zhitai,
2. Cholestin® or Hypocol™, and
3. Xuezhikang.
Zhitai is produced by the fermentation of a mixture of different strains of Monascus purpureus on whole grain rice. Zhitai contains mainly rice and yeast, but is mostly rice by weight.
Cholestin® or HypoCol™
Cholestin® or HypoCol™ is produced by the fermentation of selected strains of Monascus purpureus, using a proprietary process that produces a certain concentration of monacolin K (monacolin K is lovastatin, which is believed to be the major cholesterol-lowering ingredient).
Xuezhikang is produced by mixing the rice and red yeast with alcohol and then processing it to remove most of the rice gluten. Xuezhikang contains 40% more cholesterol-lowering ingredients than Cholestin® or Hypocol™.In Singapore, red yeast rice is available as Hypocol™ (NatureWise™, Wearnes Biotech & Medicals (1998) PTE LTD).

Bagaimana status sekarang red yeast rice ?

What is the present status of red yeast rice?
Small scale studies using pharmaceutical-grade red rice yeast have continued to demonstrate efficacy and safety. However, in the United States it is no longer legal to sell supplements containing red yeast rice, and the active ingredients of red rice yeast have been removed from Cholestin marketed in the United States. (Hypocol, another product containing red yeast rice is no longer being sold in the United States.)
The reasons the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) removed red yeast rice from the market in the United States were several.
First, statin drugs are associated with muscle and kidney injury when used alone or combined with other medications. There is concern that patients who already take statin drugs with or without these other medications may increase their risk of muscle or kidney injury.
Second, the FDA considers the products containing red yeast rice to be new, unapproved drugs for which marketing violates the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

Natures Green/ Tong Jum Chew

Kami memasarkan semu ajenis produk makanan kesehatan dan obat herbal buatan pabrik tong jum chew singapore di Indonesia, kami juga membuka kesempatan bagi anda yang ingin memasarkan produk tong jum chew didaerah anda, anda dapat menjadi agen/ distributor tunggal didaerah anda sehingga anda dapat dengan leluasa dan percaya diri dalam mengembangkan bisnis ini, peluang pemasaran produk ini sangat bagus dan terjamin kualitasnya

Jumat, 10 April 2009


red yeast rice adalah ekstrak beras merah, yang telah dipercaya turun temurun berfungsi untuk membatu menurunkan kadar lemak darah termasuk trigliserida dan kolesterol, menurun penelitian terakhir secara alami beras merah mengandung lovastatin secara alami dalam jumlah yang tidak menimbulkan efek samping jika dikonsumsi dalam jangka panjang, lovastatin sendiri dikenal dalam kedokteran sebagai bahan jenis statin yang mempunyai efek samping yang lebih minimal, sehingga aman dikonsumsi
Call 93610227/0816 16 555 06
harga RP 250.000

Senin, 06 April 2009

Water Soluble Pearl Facial Capsule

For Beauty and Spirit

Mutiara/Pearl tercatat didalam kamus herbal “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” sebagai bahan yang sangat berharga dalam perawatan dan kecantikan kulit, dan digunakan lebih dari 3.000 tahun didalam Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Keajaiban Mutiara tercatat dalam Sejarah Kerajaan China, pada Dinasti Ching Permaisuri Dowage sangat terkenal akan kecantikan dan kehaulusan kulitnyanya seperti anak kecil walaupun sudah berumur 74 tahun. Rahasia kecantikannya adalah minum bubuk mutiara setiap hari.

Dengan Teknologi “ Bio Enzymolysis” Mutiara diproses menjadi “ Water Soluble” ( 98% terlarut didalam air) sehingga 10 kali lebih cepat dan efektif diserap oleh tubuh manusia serta kandungan logam berat seperti mercury dihilangkan.

Mutiara mengadung 20% Calcium, 20 jenis Amino Acid ( 8 diantaranya adalah amino acid “essential” yang tidak bisa diproduksi tubuh tapi sangat diperlukan untuk kesehatan), dan kombinasi 20 jenis nutrisi yang diperlukan dalam aktivitas metabolic DNA dan RNA bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan regenerasi sel kulit dan tubuh, bahkan kandungan Mucopolysaccharides terbukti mencegah keriput dan meningkatkan potensi seksual pada manusia.

Reputasi Mutiara sebagai Tonik Kecantikan dan Tonik Spirit didalam jurnal kesehatan herbal China terkini dimanfaatkan untuk melegakan jantung dan pikiran, mengurangi sakit arthritis, panas dalam, mengurangi dahak, meningkatkan kesehatan mata, meningkatkan pebentukan otot dan melancarkan peredaran darah.

Sebagai tonic Kecantikan, mutiara membantu menghilangkan blemishes dan menjaga kesehatan kulit, mutiara meningkatkan regenerasi sel kulit baru, menghaluskican kulit, elastic dan kecantikan alami. Meningkatkan aktivitas enzyme natural,SOD, dan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan melanin yang dapat menyebabkan keriput dan titik hitam pada kulit. Penggunanan Mutiara dengan teratur dan konsisten dapat menghilangkan blemishes seperti flek bahkan bekas jerawat, cacar dan bekas luka baker. Sebagai tonik Spirit, mutiara dapat meredakan ketegangan, anxiety, dan stress, meningkatkan kualitas tidur, menguatkan dan memperbaiki fungsi syaraf, mencegah dan mengobati fatigue. Penggunaan Mutiara dengan teratur dan konsisten meningkatkan energy dan vitalitas.Penelitian terkini menunjukkan Mutiara Water Soluble mengurangi tenakan darah tinggi, meningkatkan stamina, dan mencegah osteoporosis dan berbagai penyakit cardiovascular, bahkan menyembuhkan radang uterus
Penelitian keamanan menunjukkan Water Soluble Pearl sama sekali tidak berbahaya bila dikonsumsi sepanjang umur tanpa efek samping.
Harga IDR 220.000,- SGD 28
Call 0816 16 555 06/ 936 10227 =====Victor

Jumat, 03 April 2009

Solusi buat yang punya masalah Diabetes

sekarang tersedia glucobalancer yang terbuat dari bahan herbal yang berfungsi untuk menyeimbangkan gula dalam tubuh dengan menggunakan bahan2 herbal sehingga efek sampingnya minimun, terbuat dari gymnema sylvestre, guava fruit, bitter melon.

yang berfungsi untuk menyeimbangkan metabolisme gula dari konsumsi karbonhidrat, menyeimbangkan penyerapan karbonhidrat,mengurangi kadungan gula dan craving, membantu menyehatkan darah dan kadar gula

Harga SGD 38 atau IDR 304.000/ botol isi 60 capsule

calll 93610227