Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

hepalife Capsule



Rebuilds Liver

Treatment for Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Gallbladder, Kidneys, Spleen, Pelvic Region

Reduces the growth of cancer cells in breast, cervix, and prostate

Lowers cholesterol levels

Reduces insulin resistance in people w/ type 2 diabetes who also have cirrhosis

For anyone under stress, uses alcohol, recreational drugs, prescription medications,

or lives in today's modern times of pesticides, environmental toxins, and pollution

1. Terapi Sirosis hati, hepatitis, kandung empedu,ginjal,limpa dll

2. mengurangi pertumbuhan sel kanker payudara,sevik, dan prosetat

3. mengurangi kandungan kolesterol

4.mengurangi hambatan insulin pada orang dengan diabetes tipe2 yang juga mengidap sirosis hati

5.untuk semua orang yang mengalami stree, mengkonsumsi alkohol,obat-obatan,terkena paparan pestisida,pencemaran lingkungan dan polusi udara.

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